MyMote MythTV Remote for iPhone

MyMote is an awesome MythTV remote for the iPhone.

The best part about it is that the progam guide displays on the remote allowing you to quickly scroll through the program guide with the iPhone finger flick scrolling thing.
Before I got my iPhone I was using my N800 or a standard remote via LIRC as my MythTV remote, but MyMote is much better.

MyMote is available as a free install from the app store. So you don't even need to jailbreak the iPhone to get it .
Just search for "mymote" and install.

App Store

[g2:5349] [g2:5351]


 Ok, not sure why I put the screengrabs of the appstore search and appstore item info there.
Once you have MyMote installed you will want to configure your myth backend and set a pin. Set the same pin in your MyMote Settings, and make sure your mysql server will allow conections from your iphone ip.

Once you have it running you can control MythTV from your iPhone. Fire up the frontend on your computer and start MyMote.


 Main nav screens

[g2:5337] [g2:5347]

The right image displays automatically whenever you are in a selection screen in MythTV


Progam Guide

[g2:5339] [g2:5332] [g2:5335]



[g2:5341] [g2:5343] [g2:5345]